Medical Home
Welcome to your medical home at Community Primary Care
What is a medical home? A medical home is a team approach to providing total health care. Your medical home team will include your health care provider, your support system and, most importantly, you! Get involved with your health care.
At Community Primary Care, your medical home will help you manage your health care needs. It will help answer any questions you have about your health, will listen to your concerns and work with you and your family to give you the best care possible. We will work with other healthcare providers when necessary to make sure you are receiving the best care possible.
Community Primary Care now has a full-time patient care coordinator. The purpose of this position is to assist our patients with any health care concerns they may have. In addition, our patient care coordinator will call to remind you of upcoming needed appointments and to follow up with you for outstanding business, such as lab work and x-rays. If you have a question, you can contact the patient care coordinator directly at 845-226-4590.
Remember, you are the most important person on your health care team. We are here to guide you and your family in making the best medical decisions possible.
We want our patients and their families to be involved. If you have questions or concerns, be sure to share them with our office.
Make sure you follow the health care plan set out for you by your healthcare provider and if you are having difficulties with your plan, please let us know. We will try to help you in any way possible.
Working with your healthcare team may improve the quality of your health care.
As a part of Medical Home we are working hard to maintain the health of our diabetic patients, we recommend yearly eye exams and yearly foot exams for our diabetic patients.
The ADA recommends diabetic eye exams once a year as a screening tool for retinopathy. If you are due for an eye exam please ask your provider for information on local ophthalmologists. Since last year we have increased our diabetic foot exams by 13.34%
Our goal is to have a 15% increase in eye exams this year.
The ADA recommends diabetic foot exams once a year as a screening tool for neuropathy. Please ask your provider about getting a diabetic foot exam.
Since last year we have increased our diabetic foot exams by 16.97%
Our goal is to have a 15% increase in foot exams this year.
Please contact our office now to discuss how you can get your eye and foot exams today.
We are here to help you!